Don’t miss your chance to be a Daz Boot Klub Member.
Limited Amount of Memberships are being made available!


Sign-up details, terms, and exclusions: You MUST be 21+ to join and have a valid state or federal ID. Memberships & benefits are non-transferable. Discount is only good for items that are ordered and consumed by DBK members. DBK discounts cannot be used in conjunction with other discounts. Discounts cannot be used on gift card purchases, event tickets, or promotional offers, etc. where an item, food, or beverage is already being discounted. High ABV beers (8% or higher) are not included. It is up to the member to give Klooz Brewz a valid email address upon checkout, so we can send you details regarding special offers, contests, and invitations to member events. All notices regarding beer releases are sent via email. Emails are sent to the member only and are limited to one email address/membership. Only 120- DBK memberships are available for purchase. DBK is a LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP. No refunds at any time. Please email with questions. You are responsible for maintaining your boot. No boots will be stored at Klooz Brewz. You must bring your boot into Klooz Brewz to receive the four free ounces of brew. You must show your member card and valid ID to receive any of the perks.